Ecological Study of a Medicinal Orchid (Satyrium Nepalense) in an Alpine Meadow
Babu Ram Paudel, Brihaspati Poudel
pp. 1-5
Solid Waste Management: Challenges and Practices in the Nepalese Context
Amrit Maharjan, Singh Bahadur Khatri, Luna Thapa, Ramesh Raj Pant, Pankaj Pathak, Youb Raj Bhatta, Kedar Rijal, Kiran Bishwakarma
pp. 6-18
An Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by Kumal and Gandarva Community of Pokhara Metropolis, Kaski, Nepal
Narayan Datta Bastakoti
pp. 19-31
Ethno-Medicinal Uses of Plants in Putali Bazar Municipality of Syangja District, Nepal
Puspa Aryal, Chandra Bahadur Thapa
pp. 32-38
A Study on the Medicinal Chemistry of Curcuma Longa
Thaneshwar Subedi
pp. 39-48
Study of Traditional Uses of Medicinal Shrubs in Begnas-Rupa Lake Area
Om Prasad Dwa
pp. 47-51
The Medicinal Uses of Tinospora Cordifolia (Gurjo)
Suraj Raj Adhikari, Kusum Pokhrel
pp. 52-56