eJournals Published by Centre for Research and Innovation: eJournals Published by Departments:
Author Guidelines
The authors are required to follow the following specific guidelines while submitting the manuscript to the journal:
- The manuscript submitted must be a single Microsoft file with all related components such as figures, tables, charts or graphics.
- The manuscript must be written in English, preferably British English. Manuscript/s must be the original work/s of the author/s and must neither be submitted elsewhere for publication nor be already published in any form. The manuscript must either be an original research article or a review article.
- The manuscript should have the word limit of 3000 to 7000 words, not including references. The manuscript should be in “Times New Roman 12-point font” and be formatted as single line space A4 size paper with one-inch margin on all sides.
- The journal follows APA style (7th Edition) and therefore the manuscript must have consistency in style.
- All manuscripts must include the following elements so as to maintain uniformity in style among the articles: Title; Author/s’ short biography (name, designation, affiliation, address, email); Abstract (150-250 words); Keywords with 5-7 words or phrases; Main body (introduction, objectives, data and methods, results and discussion, conclusion and recommendations (if any), acknowledgements and references and Appendices (if any).
- Each and every manuscript follows screening by the editorial board upon its receipt, followed by plagiarism check and blind review from two anonymous reviewers. As per the report of the reviewers, the manuscripts will be evaluated and selected for publication. For any kind of dispute regarding the publication of the manuscript, the decision of the editorial board will be final.
- The author/s must agree on the terms and conditions of the copyright authorization of the articles to the journal after their manuscripts are accepted for publication.
- The journal will accept only an electronic version of the article via email at population@pncampus.edu.np.
- The manuscript package must be prepared in advance of submission with three components (MS Word Files) as a) a cover page consisting of the title of the article, name/s and affiliation of the author/s, an abstract with keywords and email ID/s of the author/s; b) the main article consisting of the title of the article, main text and the references and appendices (if any) without name, affiliation and email IDs of the author/s; and c) a latest CV/s of the corresponding author and co-author/s (if any) in a combined single file.
Peer-Review Process
All the manuscripts submitted to the journal will be initially assessed by the editorial board and then checked for plagiarism. The selected manuscripts after plagiarism check will then follow peer review process. The journal adopts a double-blind review procedure (neither the author nor the reviewer know each other). However, depending on the availability of the experts, this approach may include one or two reviewers. All drafts, together with comments and suggestions from peer reviewers, will be returned to the authors for modification. The authors are asked to submit updated papers within a week of receiving feedback. The editorial board reserves the right to modify, accept, or reject the article.
Publication Fees
The journal does not charge the authors the publication fees.
Open Access Policy
The readers of this journal are allowed for reading, downloading and sharing the published articles once available online at http://ejournals.pncampus.edu.np/ejournals/ajps. Besides, all published articles fall under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which also permits the authors to use, distribute and reproduce in any form, given the original work is cited properly.
Copyright Policy
The published articles are generally permitted to use for any lawful purposes but not for any commercial motives. However, the author/s will retain the publishing rights.
Privacy Statement
All information about the authors provided to the journal will be kept confidential and used for the publication purpose only; and they will never be provided to any third party.